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mixed flocks

On Sunday the following made the yard list at
my place in Wake Forest:

chestnut-sided warbler - 1
worm-eating wa - 1
pine wa - 10+
rose-breasted grosbeak - 1
scarlet tanager - 2
summer tanager - 1
hairy wdpkr - 2
downy wdpkr - 1
red-bellied wdpkr - 1
flicker - 2
(a pileated sometimes around but not then)

Then Monday afternoon at Beaver Dam RA:
a huge mixed flock containing

pine warbler - 20+ (one pecking a small lizard
    against the pavement!)
ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER - 1 (first fall celata from its
    undertail to its broken eye ring...)
hairy wdpkr - 2
downy wdpkr - 2
flicker - 3
brown-headed nuthatch - 3
white-breasted nuthatch - 1
carolina chickadee - 5+
tufted titmouse - 2+

this flock was lots of fun. i followed it for 
perhaps 1/8 mi. as they travelled through gap/
field/road areas.

also there were several fish crows nearby

I also checked Sandling Beach - pine warblers,
chickadees, etc, killdeer, osprey, great egret,
3 palm warblers

Tuesday early morning, Falls Lake dam
(another huge mixed flock)

pine warbler - 5+
chestnut-sided warbler - 2
am. redstart - 3
white-eyed vireo - 1
red-eyed vireo - 1
brown thrasher - 1
osprey - 1 (not in flock!)