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Umstead warblers

Finally, warblers!! Last week on the Chatham NAMC along Big Woods Road, we 
only saw 3 species of warblers. Sunday at Umstead SP was much better with 9 
warbler species! We saw American Redstart, Northern Parula, Worm-eating, 
Black-throated Blue, Hooded, Pine, Magnolia, Mourning, and Tennessee 
Warblers. Plus, several others went unidentified. Does anyone else have 
problems with these confusing fall warblers??!! 

We were also treated to 3 Summer Tanagers eating dogwood berries, a 
Broad-winged Hawk, and a beautiful Yellow-billed Cuckcoo.  

Looking forward to a good migration weekend in Ft. Casewell.  

Happy birding! Karen Bearden