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Bird sightings in Evergreen forest, Charlotte

Evergreen forest is a 100-acre forested area in east-central Charlotte, 
located behind the Evergreen Cemetery on Central Avenue.  It is the largest 
wooded area left in the City of Charlotte, and is currently owned by the 
City.  Currently, the City and Mecklenburg County are trying to agree on 
establishing a park here.  As always, there is a demand to cut down the 
forest and put in soccer fields.  However, there is also a strong demand for 
natural preserves and birding areas in Charlotte.  There are large fields 
available at two schools immediately adjacent to the forest that will be 
included in the "District Park" and it is undetermined how many acres, if 
any, of the forest will be cut.

We (Louise and Larry Barden) bird the area almost every weekend and will post 
bird sightings.  The Mecklenburg Audubon Club will have a field trip at 
Evergreen November 20.  See "field trips" at 

Directions to Evergreen forest are posted here: 

And an Evergreen forest bird list is here:

Sightings September 30

Many Bluebirds and Pine Warblers in the cemetery
The resident Coopers Hawk - three times, once being chased by crows
Both E. Phoebe and E. Wood Peewee - we're in the fall transition
A flock of Chimney Swifts (still here)
Lots of Magnolia and Tennessee Warblers
Orange Crowned Warbler
American Redstart (actually yellowstart)
And 20 other expected species.

Larry Barden, 1525-F Lansdale Drive, Charlotte, NC 28223, (704) 535-6385, 