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Bull Island/Cape Romain NWR, SC

I spent some time birding on the SC coast so I took the ferry to Bull
Island on Friday, Sept. 29.  The wind was high, sky clear, and
"skeeters" were very happy to see me.  No birds on the beach.  Most self
respecting migrants were flying over or hiding deep in the woods with
the wolves so I saw few birds there but I did see the following:

BLACK RAIL (flew for about 15 feet seeking cover from about 8 feet from
me - Finally!, Lifer for me.)
Oven Bird
lots of Palm Warblers, Mockingbirds
18 Wood Storks
several White Ibis
2 Glossy Ibis
Plus a few of the common white and blue waders

Gulf Fritillary and Long-Tailed Skipper by the hundreds plus an
unidentified brown eyed butterfly.

And a couple of spiders I had never seen anything like before.

Tim Lewis, Weaverville, NC