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The Wood and Swaison's Thrushes are still being seen/heard daily, Swainson's 
first seen on 9/19!  We still have lots of Dogwood berries around so wonder 
if they'll stick around through the next cold front. 

This AM I saw and heard Wood Thrushes calling to eachother with a 
clucking-type call instead of the usual pip pip pip call.  Have heard that 
call previously, but didn't realize it was the Thrushes.  Almost sounded like 
Mourning Dove wing sounds.

Also saw a Swainson's Thrush chasing another bird, when focused on the other 
bird, @15 up in a tree, initially thought it too was a Thrush, but breast was 
more striped than spotted, then saw the orange crown stripe, it was an 
Ovenbird 15 ft. up and walking along a horizontal branch.

Spotted a pretty Green Grass Snake sunning on a tall weed out back yesterday, 
first ever I've seen here.

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC