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Re: Christmas Count Dates

The date for the Cape Hatteras, NC, CBC has been set for December 27, a
Wednesday. Bodie-Pea Island is the following day, Dec. 28. I am the Compiler of
the Cape Hatteras count, and Paul Sykes (as always) is the compiler of the
Bodie-Pea Island count.

Harry LeGrand

Judy Walker wrote:

> I am getting ready to put together the next CBC newsletter which should
> include a list of all the Christmas Counts. If you are planning on having a
> count please e-mail me the date, name of the count, contact person and
> his/her email and phone number.
> Thanks.
> Judy Walker
> CIMC/Atkins Library
> UNC Charlotte
> jwalker@email.uncc.edu
> Voice: 704-547-2559

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net