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Re: Shepherd Tr., Durham

This Shepherd Trail seems the place to be during
migration. Can you give me directions how to get
Chris and I went to Greenview Pond yesterday. It is so
beautiful. That was my first time there. Saw a first
winter male common yellowthroat, a ton of song
a beautiful Loggerhead shrike posing for a long time
atop a light pole, and ducks! What kind would they
have been? Dark ducks, but it was a dark cloudy day,
hard to tell except silouhette.
Then saw some really cool caterpillars. they looked
cold. One was almost 3 inches long mainly green, with
little design on its back and red round feet. It was
not hairy.
Saw another shrike at the dairy farm as well.
Loved using my new birthday present-the Sibley guide!
--- frank rheindt <frank.rheindt@duke.edu> wrote:
> Shepherd Trail in the Duke Forest (Durham, NC) this
> morning (Saturday):
> I just stayed near the trailhead, as this was where
> all the warbler
> activity was:
> - Bay-headed (>2)
> - Black-thr. Green (>3)
> - Black-thr. Blue (2)
> - Tennessee (1)
> - Parula (2)
> - Blackburnian (>3)
> - Redstart
> - Blue-headed Vireo (1-2)
> - Scarlet Tanager (1)
> Hopefully there are still a few weeks to go with the
> warbler migration...
> Frank
> Durham

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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