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Evergreen Woods, Charlotte, 10/7

This morning Louise and I saw 39 species, most notably:

Ruby and Golden Crowned Kinglets - In one flock, first of season.
Barred owl - relatively tame
Indigo bunting - immature (must be a northern bird, ours are gone)
N. Parula
Black-throated Green Warbler
Phoebes (at least 30 - they were everywhere)
Swainsons Thrush (3)
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Orchard oriole (female or immature male)
Yellow-bellied sapsucker (first of the season)
Nashville Warbler
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Pine Warbler

Larry Barden, 1525-F Lansdale Drive, Charlotte, NC 28223, (704) 535-6385, 