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Sunday, 10/8 - Jordan Lake, NC

Yesterday morning, with an overcast sky foreboding
poor birding, Chris Moorman and I set out for Jordan
Lake Educational State Forest. We could hardly have
anticipated the number of warbler flocks that descended
upon us...

double-crested cormorant - 1
great blue heron - 1
turkey vulture - 3
probable sharp-shinned hawk - 2
osprey - 1
yellow-billed cuckoo - 1
red-bellied wdpkr - 1
pileated wdpkr - 1
downy wdpkr - 5+
eastern phoebe - 2
eastern wood-pewee - 2
red-eyed vireo - 2
nuthatches, chickadees, titmice
crows, jays
bluebirds, robins
brown thrasher - 4
Tennessee warbler - 1
Nashville warbler - 2
No. parula - 3
chestnut-sided warbler - 6
magnolia warbler - 5
yellow-rumped warbler - 1
Cape May warbler - 2
blk&white warbler - 5
blk-throated blue warbler - 2
blk-throated green warbler - 5
blackburnian warbler - 8+
bay-breated warbler - 3
blackpoll warbler - 2 (+?)
pine warbler - 3
common yellowthroat - 1
Am. redstart - 4
indigo bunting - 4+
towhees, cardinals

There were also at least 15 swallows
(perhaps tree?) skimming the lake.

Warbler-containing flocks seemed
impossible to avoid. We also got
great looks at the (probable) sharp-
shins, as we investigated the calls
of a mobbing group of jays.

Jason Sircely
Wake Forest, NC