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Black-throated Blues as fruit eaters?

Re John Fussell's posting about the Black-throated Blue Warbler eating
grapes in his yard -- I wonder too about this species as a fruit eater. This
morning I saw an adult male Black-throated Blue hopping around in a leafless
Black Gum tree outside my window. Through binoculars I saw the warbler perch
near 3 different gum fruits (which are the first I've seen on this young
tree) and appear to examine and probe around the fruit. I kept waiting for
the bird either to pull it off and swallow it whole or to nibble off some
pulp, the way I've seen a pine warbler do to a dogwood fruit, but the B-T
Blue just looked at the fruit and probed the base of it briefly with its
bill. So I was left wondering if this bird was only checking the fruit for

Several years ago I saw a female Black-throated Blue sip nectar from a
hummingbird feeder in my yard.

If anyone knows more about what Black-throated Blues eat, do tell!
Chapel Hill, NC