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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch - 10/10/00

10:00 a.m.  -  5:00 p.m.

A pretty busy day at the overlook. The weather yesterday and today has been
spectacular, very clear and cool. We had 8 species and a total of 338 birds.
Present at the site today: Elizabeth Galloway, Reece and Judy Mitchell, Bill
Price from Cassatt, SC, Al James, Naturalist from Landsford Canal State Park
and Bill and Carla Ball from Greenville, SC. Thanks again to everyone!

Turkey Vulture        321
Black Vulture              2
Cooper's                       5
Sharp-shinned               2
Red-tailed                      3
No. Harrier                    1
Am. Kestrel                   1
Peregrine                       1
Unidentified                  2

This brings our year-to-date total to 8,778.

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC