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MBSP on 10-10

Hi Carolinabirders,
	From 9:35 to 2:30 today I birded solo at Myrtle Beach S.P. Horry County,
SC. I had intended to look for thrush at MBSP and then continue on to
Huntington Beach S.P for some birding at the jetty area. But things were so
good at Myrtle Beach I decided to stay and bird most of the park including
the pier and the coastal north end. 41 species including 12 warblers.  This
coastal location  is unusual in that its woods are very predominately
hardwoods of different species and age classes.  While there are some
mature pines, they are relatively scattered or in small clumps and do not
dominent this coastal forest.  This is a tribute to Myrtle Beach Farms (now
Bouroughs and Chapin)the city of Myrtle Beach and SC Dept. of Parks,
Recreation and Tourism.  Lets hope it stays that way.  Here goes:

Brown Pelican-5
Turkey Vulture-3
Ring-billed Gull-5
Royal Tern-3
Forster's Tern-2
Rock Dove-5
Mourning Dove-2
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1
Chimney Swift-6
Hairy Woodpecker-1 heard only
N. Flicker-4
E. Phoebe-1
Tree Swallow-10
Barn Swallow-3
Blue Jay-8
Carolina Chickadee-9
Tufted Titmouse-13
White-breasted Nuthatch-3
Ruby-crownded Kinglet-3
Gray Catbird-6
N. Mockingbird-4
Brown Thrasher-9
Red-eyed Vireo-4 
Tennessee Warbler-1
Magnolia Warbler-1 immature male
Black-throated Blue Warbler-4 all adult males
Black-throated Green Warbler-1 immature female
Prairie Warbler-1 immature 
Palm Warbler-2
Blackpoll Warbler-1 fall immature
Black and White Warbler-1
Am. Redstart-11
N. Waterthrush-1
Common Yellowthroat-4
Hooded Warbler-1

Nice day, good birding

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC