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It's not over yet folks ...

I had 9 species of warblers this morning at Umstead SP, with 7 spp. in one
big oak tree along the road in from Lake Crabtree to the airport overlook:
B-t Blue and Green, N. Parula, Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Magnolia and a
Cape May with no tail, plus a Swainson's Thrush and a Y-b Cuckoo in the same
flock. Also my first junco of the season all alone near the entrance gate.

Lake Crabtree had a more wintry feel, in part because I started there and it
was a chilly morning. B-t Blue was the only migrant warbler there, with lots
of both kinglets and a R-b Nuthatch near the boat rental place. Nothing on
the lake yet but a lone P-b Grebe, but no doubt the Coots are en route.
Loads of Swamp and Song Sparrows in the brushy field next to the grassy play
area. This looks like a potential place for Le Conte's if there are as many
in the region as there seemed to be last winter.

Dan Kaplan