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Tenn Warbler Migration Route

I'm just a little curious about the fall migration route of the Tennessee
Warbler.  The warbler books I've looked at say that the Tennessee migrates
along the east coast in the fall, but I'd have to say that it is certainly one
of the most dominant fall warbler species, if not THE most dominant fall
migrant warbler in the mountains.  From the reports I've seen posted from the
piedmont and coastal plain, it seems less common.  When they say east coast do
they mean that literally, or east coast in relation to the rest of the country -
as in the eastern states?  Or do the Tennessees travel down the northern coast
and then pop over across the mountains to the gulf?  In any event, it seems
they must have had a good breeding year.  With the exception of Magnolia,
Redstart, and Chestnut-sided, I'll bet I've seen two or three 
Tennessees for every other warbler species combined this fall.
Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville  email:  mjwestphal@unca.edu