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yard birds on 10-18

Hello y'all,
    With the day off, I just did the yard observation thing, repotted some
plants, all that stuff. Big excitement for the day was finding 2 new yard
birds (Black-throated Blue and Black-throated Green warblers!) and watching
Carolina Anoles take advantage of the butterfly smorgasbord I've
unintentionally laid out for them.
Here's a list:
TV - 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 (chasing pigeons)
Cooper's Hawk - 1 (ditto)
Rock Dove - ~20 (in the a.m.; just a cpl of flyovers in p.m. Wonder why?)
Mourning Dove - 12
Chimney Swift - 2
RTHU - 2 fem./imm.-type
Hummer sp. - 1
R-b Woodpecker - 1 male (still hard at work stashing acorns)
Y-b Sapsucker - 2
Downy Wp - 3
N. Flicker - 2 (dining in a magnolia)
Pileated Wp - 1 (ditto)
Tree Swallow - 6
Blue Jay - 3
Car. Chickadee - 4
Titmouse - 2 (wonder where the rest were?)
W-b Nuthatch - 2
B-h Nuthatch - 5 (they've become a flock unto themselves)
Car. Wren - 3 (sounded like a dozen)
R-c Kinglet - 2
E. Bluebird - 2 (stopped by for a quick bath)
Am. Robin - 1 (pitiful, calling from a pine branch)
R-e Vireo - 1
N. Parula - 1
BTB - 1
Y-r Warbler - 5
BTG - 1
Palm - 1
N. Cardinal - pick a number
R-w Blackbird - 20+ (drat, I had hoped they were gone)
C. Grackle - 6 (ditto)
B-h Cowbird - 30+ (ditto)
House Finch - pick a number
House Sparrow - (ditto)


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
'"Oh frabjous day! Callooh, Callay!' he chortled in his joy." (Carroll)