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Blue Heron Nature Trail 10-20-00

On the way South yesterday, I was ready to stretch my legs by the time I got
to Ridgeland. I did not expect
much from the trail, and was not disappointed. I only saw 17 species of
birds, although one Sparrow
species surprised me. I found 2 Vesper Sparrows mingling with others that I
was unable to see well enough
to ID. They were along the ditch line across from the entrance to the trail.
A list of birds seen follows.

Great Blue Heron  1
Rock Dove
A. Crow
F. Crow
Carolina Wren  2
House Wren  1
N. Mockingbird
E. Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler  4
A. Redstart  1
C. Yellowthroat  2
Vesper Sparrow  2
N. Cardinal
R-W Blackbird
C. Grackle
B-t Grackle
House Finch 2
Ken Allen
Temple Terrace, FL