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H.B.S.P. big sit

Hi Carolinabirders,

Today from pre-dawn until 3:30 P.M. Waccamaw Audubon members and friends
numbering 18 participated in the "Big Sit" contest.  We "sat", mostly
stood, in our circle which was located at the east end of the causeway at
Huntington Beach S.P., Murrells Inlet, Georgetown, County, SC. 
Our total today was 65 species. Not bad for standing inside a 17 ft
diameter circle all day. Highlights were 7 species of diurnal raptors,
Spotted Sandpiper, a Sharp-tailed Sparrow sp., and Lesser Scaup. In case
you're interested first bird was Double-crested Cormorant, who watched me
chalk out the circle in the dark, and then listened to the early morning
birding banter and numerous screech owl tapes.  The Cormorant finally left
its perch five hours later grumbling about human beings who won't let a DCC
sleep in on a beautiful Sunday morning.  The last bird was an E. Meadowlark
which flew into the marsh. Tonya Spires and I gave it ten more minutes
hoping for a harrier but no luck.

Interesting birding, good company.


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC