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Crossbills and upcoming Owl Prowl in Blowing Rock

Dwayne and I birded with Mary Ann Faruque, a friend from Akron, OH today.
We went to South Holsten Lake in Bristol, TN to see the Eared Grebe reported
there earlier this week.  (We were successful by the way!)  But, on the way
we stopped by Bass Lake at Moses Cone Park on the BRP and had about 30 Red
Crossbills to flyover.  Six of them landed in a White Pine along the
entrance road and we were able to see them well in the scope as they preened
and foraged in the tree.  There is an EXCELLENT cone crop there this year,
so perhaps they'll stick around like they did a few years ago!

Our Owl Prowl will be at the same location next Saturday (October 28th), so
we thought we'd meet a little earlier to see if we could find the Crossbills
before we did some owling.  Anyone is welcome to join us--just don't forget
a jacket and a flashlight!  We were quite successful last year as we had a
Screech Owl, two Long-eared Owls and a Saw-whet Owl respond to our tape (we
didn't see them, but we heard them quite well) and several Horned Owls
(which we did see).  If you're interested, we will meet at the parking lot
of Bass Lake at 5:00pm.  We'll be in the vicinity until well after dark if
you can't make it until later.

Dwayne & Lori Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Claremont, NC