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Fw: Heermann's Gull, Ft. DeSoto, 10/31/00

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lyn Atherton" <bonniedabird@earthlink.net>
To: "LBirdbrains" <Birdbrains@listbot.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 10:40 PM
Subject: Heermann's Gull, Ft. DeSoto, 10/31/00

> Birdbrains
> The Heermann's Gull was present this morning, but wasn't seen after
> about 9:30 a.m., despite many birders searching the beaches all day.
> The bird was last seen heading east toward the Sunshine Skyway State
> Fishing Piers, so I checked both north and south piers early this
> afternoon with no success.  Later, some of us stayed at the East Beach
> Picnic Area until virtually dark, hoping the gull would come into roost
> there as it did yesterday, but I saw nothing that resembled the
> Heermann's.
> After studying my photos, I believe the Heermann's is molting into
> second basic (=winter) plumage.  Some feathers show a lot of  wear,
> while others appear to be very "fresh."  Yesterday, when the bird
> preened, I noticed a couple of tail feathers were missing.  Later in the
> day, Austin Smith, viewing the flying gull through my scope, noticed the
> missing tail feathers even though I hadn't told him of my earlier
> observation.  Also, visible in a few of the photos are whitish tips to
> some of the outer secondaries and some of the tail feathers, unlike same
> feathers of Heermann's in first basic plumage.
> Wilf Yusek informed me that the Heermann's that spent its first life
> year in the Toronto area for the past year  disappeared about the first
> of the month.  Could this be that bird?! I'll be out early tomorrow
> morning, but will have to leave before noon. I will be leaving for CA on
> Thursday a.m. and won't be back until after 11/12, so please post any
> sightings of the Heermann's if you see it.
> Please view my photos on my new web site.  Also, please understand that
> this site is just being developed so there will be many additions and
> changes to what is already on.
> Lyn
> --
> Lyn Atherton
> Tierra Verde, FL
> bonniedabird@earthlink.net
> url: http://home.earthlink.net/~bonniedabird/Home.htm
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