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Pine Is. Santee NWR, Clarendon Co. SC Nov 5, 2000

The conditions in the sparrow fields are ideal for walking this
season--completely dry, everywhere, thus no Snipe.  But still good for
sparrows.  I didn't have time to check on the waterfowl situation, but the
lake level is far below normal.

Cooper's Hawk 1 ad
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1
Am. Kestrel 1 male
E. Phoebe 2
N. Mockingbird 2
Sedge Wren 5+
House Wren 7
Palm Warler 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
Savannah Sparrow 40+
Song Sparrow 25+
Swamp Sparrow 30+
Field Sparrow 4
LeConte's Sparrow 3+ (only one allowed good perching views)
 Ammodramus sp. 2 (one behaviorly perfect Henslow's which vanished right
under my feet)
E. Meadowlark 50+
Bobolink 1 (rather late?) seen closely and called as well
Red-winged Blackbird 30+
Common Grackle 2

Tim Kalbach