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Bald Eagles @ Greenview Pond

Dear Birders,

Wanted to let you know that a pair of bald eagles have been hanging out 
here at Greenview Pond. One has been sitting a top our heron nest for the 
past hour.  I think they like it here.  My bet is they'll hang around for 
a while.  

Yesterday I counted 105 green winged teal, two cormerants, and a grebe. 
Also, some birders spotted one of our shrikes this morning. I haven't 
seen any white crowned sparrows yet, but I'll post a note when I do.  

Happy birding,
John Argentati

john argentati
chief lizard
blue-lizard technologies, inc.
Phone: (919) 858-5292
Email: mailto:johna@blue-lizard.com
Pager: http://www.blue-lizard.com/LizardPage.asp?Lizard=johna
Web Site: http://www.blue-lizard.com