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Re: Bald EagleS @ Greenview

John Argentati wrote:
>There are two eagles at Greenview Pond (Near Lake Wheeler in Raliegh)
>They killed a Canada goose and have been feeding on the carcass.

  Just curious for clarification John, if you saw them kill the goose
or came upon them feasting? I've always understood B.Eagles(cowards that 
they are!!) to primarily be scavengers, who will hunt fish or small rodents 
on occasion if necessary, but a C. Goose can put up a major fight and would 
be quite a sight to see an eagle, let alone two in tandem, take one on 
(unless it were already injured or dying).

Hope a lot of folks saw the wonderful PBS show last night titled
"Extraordinary Birds"!!

**Rob Gluck    Chapel Hill   thrush@hotmail.com

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