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Re: Spanish names of U.S. birds

Common names of birds in Spain are fairly consistent over the country. But,
if you intend to use the translations in The Americas, including the
Caribbean, you will find that they vary from country to country.
For example, I've been frustrated in trying to discuss Puerto Rican birds
with Mexican friends.
-----Original Message-----
From: mike moore <Templar4@webtv.net>
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: Spanish names of U.S. birds

>Does anyone know an Internet/easy way
> to find Spanish translations of names of
> birds in the U.S.?

You could try typing the names in this site and then translating:


Nothing else come to mind. Good luck if you try it.

mike moore
Hickory, N.C.