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Whitecrowns in the Snow

I paid quick visits to Wake's southern lakes on Sunday morning...it was
snowing hard with large flakes making distant viewing difficult. Still I
felt the joy of some deep winter birding. Results follow:
*Greenview Pond: 50+ Mallard, 10+ Green-winged Teal, 1 Ring-neck, 30
Canada Geese, and 10 White-crowned Sparrows including at least 3 adults.
They were "singing in the snow".
*Lake Wheeler from the causeway: 15 Ruddy Ducks, 3 Bufflehead, 1 Coot, 1
Great Blue Heron, 1 Common Egret.
*NCSU Farm Pond: 3 Northern Shoveler, 1 Lesser Scaup, 10 Bufflehead, 12
Ringneck Duck, 50 Canada Geese, 4 Killdeer.
*Mid-Pines Road: 100 Song Sparrow by creek, 6 Swamp Sparrow,6 Killdeer.
                                            John Connors, NC Museum of
Natural Sciences