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North Meck waterfowl- Coddle Creek, Lake Norman 11/22/00

Finally getting out to go look for waterfowl in northern Mecklenburg County,
we were not dissapointed.

Our first stop was at the breast of Coddle Creek Reservoir.
At this locale the following species were present:
Red Tailed Hawk-2
Ring Billed Gull - 21
Gadwall - 25
American Coot - 105
Mallard - 10
Ruddy Duck - 20
Bufflehead - 10
Pied Billed Grebe - 3
Killdeer - 1

After this stop we went on to the opposite side of the resevoir, at the
entrance to Shimpock Road. More waterfowl. This is probably the largest
concentration of ducks I have ever experienced. In result of the drought the
water was very shallow, good for the dabblers.
Red Winged Blackbird - 24
Pied Billed Grebe - 12
American Coot  - 44
Northern Shoveler - 55+
Hooded Merganser - 19
Gadwall - 12
Green Winged Teal - 10
Ruddy Duck - 20
Lesser Scaup - 1
Buffleheads - 30
Least Sandpipers - 6
Snipe - 4
GB Heron - 2
Great Egret - 5
Ring Billed Gull - 25
Field Sparrow - 1
Black Vulture - 5
Killdeer - 6

Now after a 15 min. drive, over to to the Energy Explorium to look for deep
water ducks.
Horned Grebes - 4
Common Loon - 2
RB Gulls - 20
50+ un id'd ducks
POSSIBLE LECONTES SPARROWS - 3-7 sparrows running around in the broomsedge.
Never got a good look but pretty sure.

Thermal Ponds in McGuire Nuclear Station:
Lesser Scaup  - 15
Hooded Merganser - 30
Green Winged Teal - 1
PB Grebe - 1
YW Warbler - 2

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC