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Important Mango Info.

Dear All,

I am very pleased that so many folks have been able to make the trip to see
the Green-breasted Mango.  It has been wonderful of Lori Turner and her
neighbor to host the scores of birders over the past week.  However, it has
come to my attention that, at times, the crowds have been less than
considerate of the hummer's welfare.  We all certainly do not want to do
anything that might jeapordize its welfare or casue it to leave the area. I
would bet it unlikely that this hummer could find suitable habitat and
another feeder anywhere nearby.

Therefore, I must reiterate that people should STAY BEHIND THE POOL AND
KEEP THE COVERSATION LOW.  Even though the mango is by now accustomed to a
certain level of activity in the area, try not to be too disruptive.  And
if others from outside our area are present who have not seen my posting on
this subject, please take the time to inform them.  Although the bird seems
'settled in' to the neighborhood, too much stress could drive it away.  So,
I implore you to be as thoughful and considerate as possible while in sight
of either of the feeders.

Many thanks,

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
