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Finally seems more like winter in the Sandhills

Hello All,

Even with the colder temperatures lately, it has not really seemed too much
like winter here in the Sandhills of NC.  Our yard has been quiet, as has
our cove on the lake, and the feeders have been virtually untouched for
weeks. However late last week things began to change.

On Thursday the first Canvasback of the season arrived at Woodlake to join
the Pied-billed Grebes, Bufflehead, Ring-necks, Ruddy Ducks and American
Coots already there.

On Friday at Woodlake there were even more ducks present with Hooded
Mergansers, a Lesser Scaup and a Horned Grebe in the mix. Also I found a
group of 12 Rusty Blackbirds sitting in the trees amongst the eagles down
at the dam.

Yesterday in Whispering Pines a HUGE wave of American Robins descended,
feeding on holly and dogwood berries all morning.  I only noticed a few
Cedar Waxwings but that may have been due to the caucophany of robin songs
and calls and the larger birds' constant motion.

Today  at Woodlake during coot patrol around the water hazards on the golf
course, I flushed my first Common Snipe of the season and was surprised by
a Sora as well.  I also spotted a Great Egret in a waterway by the

Now if only all the goldfinches, siskins, nuthatches, and woodpeckers would

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
