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Vermilion Flycatcher Wed. AM?

     If the Flycatcher is spotted today, I was thinking of going to see (or 
search for) it on Wed.  I'll have some time in the morning, after drop kids 
off at school.
     Want to know if anyone is planning to go look for it also tomorrow.  
Would like to carpool or meet person(s) at site.  Couldn't arrive till 9:30 
AM or so, assuming it's about a 2 hour drive for me, and would have to leave 
by 12-12:30 PM to get back to school by 2:30.  That's not allowing much time, 
I know, since it seems to becoming more elusive, but that's about all I can 
allot for it. 

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC