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Tuesday mango report

The green-breasted mango was visiting the neighbour's feeder on a regular
schedule this morning, Tuesday.  There are good views of this feeder from
Lori Turner's back yard.  Unfortunately the bird is back lit in the morning
from this direction which complicates photography.

You still have great views through binoculars and scopes.  The bird perched
frequently in a tulip poplar behind the neighbour's pool.  It has thin
cinnamon lines down the sides of its throat.  We never saw the cinnamon
color down its front but that was probably the lighting.  The violet in the
tail looked like cinnamon to most of us.  The bird was magnificent.  Very
well worth the visit.  The bird vocalized in flight too.

Birders flew in from New Jersey and Pennsylvania; also there from New York
and Tennessee.  A cameraman from a Charlotte TV station filmed the bird.

A local house cat was also watching the feeder this morning periodically.
At one point it perched on a deck rail near the feeder and looked as if it
would pounce when the hummer next came by.  The cat left before the hummer

A mockingbird had taken over the feeder in Lori Turner's yard this morning.
The mocker sat on the feeder and then flew at its reflection in the nearby
glass. The bird was doing that all morning.  A couple of folks saw the
mocker chase something small from trees near that feeder.  The bird did go
in those trees a few times, and it drank once from that feeder during the

Sue Pulsipher
Linden, N.C.

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