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We're Back On-line At Last! (Help Still Needed)

At last!  :-)

After what has seemed like one of the longest, most frustrating 
four-week periods of my professional life, the Web sites for 
"Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project" ( 
http://www.rubythroat.org ) and Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont 
Natural History ( http://www.hiltonpond.org ) are finally back on 
line. All the associated e-mailboxes are also working. I have felt 
really helpless, knowing that folks have been trying to log on to the 
sites and/or send e-mail messages to me.

Both sites are being hosted courtesy of Sandy Barnes, Sr. Vice 
President of Rock Hill Telephone Company ( http://www.rhtc.net ). I 
deeply appreciate Sandy's support--as well as his assistance with 
technical details as we brought everything back on-line.

Fortunately, I had both sites backed up on my hard drive when my 
previous service provider went bankrupt, so I haven't had to re-build 
everything. Furthermore, I have had time to re-vamp several subpages, 
so there are some added features. The new and improved Guestbooks 
should be fully operational in a day or two.


HELP REQUEST #1: I have spent the last year contacting search engines 
and webmasters around the world asking them to add inks from their 
sites to the ones for Operation RubyThroat and Hilton Pond Center. 
If you are one of those webmasters and removed a link because the 
sites were inactive, I would appreciate your re-instating the link.


HELP REQUEST #2: If you are not a webmaster but know of other sites 
for a which a link to either Operation RubyThroat or Hilton Pond 
Center would be appropriate, please e-mail those sites and suggest a 


HELP REQUEST #3: If you are on a nature- or hummingbird-related 
listserv or chat group other than CarolinaBirds, BirdBand, Humnet, or 
BirdChat, please inform your fellow subscribers that these two 
websites are up and running again.


I apologize for any cross-postings or duplicate messages that may 
occur as my sites return from Cyber-purgatory.

Thanks for your patience, and for your help. I look forward to 
interacting again with all of you on the Internet. :-)

With best wishes,



BILL HILTON JR., "The Piedmont Naturalist"
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road
York, South Carolina 29745

e-mail: <hilton@hiltonpond.org>

Voice: (803) 684-5852

eFax: (503) 218-0845

Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is a 501(c)(3) 
non-profit research and education organization, so all in-kind or 
monetary gifts to the Center and to Operation RubyThroat: The 
Hummingbird Project are tax-deductible. Please visit our websites:

Hilton Pond Center  <http://www.hiltonpond.org>

Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project  <http://www.rubythroat.org>

"Never trust a person too lazy to get up for sunrise or too busy to 
watch the sunset."

