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Durham spring count III

A quick note to add to the comments by Will Cook and Josh Rose.

We had an excellent day at the Butner Gamelands, racking up 80 
species!  Without getting Scarlet Tanager or Hooded Warbler.  HMM.

The few through-migrant warblers included Black-throated Blue and 
Black-throated Green in the same tree.  Our two "best" birds were a 
heard-only, but unmistakable LEAST BITTERN calling from the beaver pond 
after first light but before sunrise and a MARSH WREN skipping around in 
full view in the rip-rap that the engineers have put down near an extensive 
swampy area.

Quite pleasant, all in all.


Norman Budnitz, nbudnitz@duke.edu
919-684-3592 (day), 919-383-0553 (eve),919-660-7293 (fax)

(work) Biology Dept, Duke Univ, Box 90338, Durham NC 27708
(home) 4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)