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bird ID help; trip to Florida

Last week I vacationed at a north Florida beach on the Gulf near Destin. I
was pleased to see my first Wilson's Plover, several Ruddy Turnstones, and
a good array of Terns - Forster's, Gull-billed, Least, Sandwich, and Royal. 

However, I saw 2 birds fly about 50 yard from a low sand dune to a reed
beside a fresh-water lake. These birds were mostly black with a bit of
white on their backs; had short black beaks; and had black heads with
yellow napes like a half-hood. I have searched the National Geographic
"Field Guide to the Birds of North America" several times. The only bird I
can come up with is Bobolink in breeding plumage. However, this would seem
to be off course for Bobolink migration.  

Could this indeed be a Bobolink? Or, could someone suggest another bird
fitting this description? Or, does anyone know of a bird group in north
Florida I might contact? (I tried "BirdChat" and rec.birds but found it too
complex for me.)

Thanks for any help you can provide.

George Goolsby
Charlotte, NC