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Henderson County Fall NAMC

The Henderson County Fall count was pretty good.  There were 12 participants, 
40 party-hours, and we found 98 species and 3750 birds.  The weather was very 
good although it was a little breezy for part of the day.  Highlights include 
a Peregrine Falcon, 3 Philadelphia Vireos, 110 Bobolink, and 21 species of 
warbler including the following:
Blue-winged Warbler	5
Golden-winged Warbler	4
Tennessee Warbler	30
Nashville Warbler	1
Northern Parula	        3
Chestnut-sided Warbler	53
Magnolia Warbler	65
Cape May Warbler	2
BT Blue Warbler	        1
BT Green Warbler	12
Blackburnian Warbler	2
Prairie Warbler	        1
Palm Warbler	       38
Bay-breasted Warbler	3
Black and White Warbler	6
American Redstart	122
Ovenbird	        4
Northern Waterthrush	4
Common Yellowthroat	12
Hooded Warbler   	5
Canada Warbler  	3

We will put the complete results on the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society web 
site.  Thanks to all other participants including Simon Thompson, Les Saucier, 
Betty Stewart, Bob Olthoff, Linda King, Steve Yokim, Wayne Forsythe, Ron 
Selvey, Rick Hensley, and Marella and Steve Buncick.
Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC