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Mt. Pisgah, NC Hawkwatch -- 18 Sept. 2001


Today's Date: 18 Sept. 2001
Hours of coverage today:   9:30 - 6:30 EST  (9 hours)


Species		     Today     Season Total
Black Vulture		8		8
Turkey Vulture  			 
Osprey 				       12				
Bald Eagle 				3				
Northern Harrier 	
Sharp-shinned H. 	1		9
Cooper's H. 		1		9
Red-shouldered H.			1
Broad-winged H.       369	     1142	
Red-tailed H.				5
American Kestrel 	1	       15
Peregrine Falcon 
unidentified raptors    2               6

TOTALS		      386	     1189	

Note that only birds showing definite migratory movements are counted. 
Many local raptors and vultures observed at the site are not mentioned
in this report.

Today's counts were made by: Bev Hudson	

Today's weather:  Partly cloudy with light NW winds.  Good viewing
conditions most of the day. 

Comments: Most of the BW's came through between 3 and 6 PM EST.  

Other migrants noted today: Monarchs moving in good numbers.   Today was
the first good monarch day of the season.

The outlook for tomorrow: Forecast calls for mostly cloudy with chance
of rain.  Looks like a good time to rest our eyes.

Next scheduled coverage: N/A

Reported By:
	Bill Sanderson, Site Coordinator
	Asheville, NC
Site Description:
	The Mount Pisgah Hawk Watch, begun in 1995, is located at the Mills
River Valley overlook, mile 404.6 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  At an
elevation of 4085 feet, it is approx. three miles north of Mount Pisgah,
and approx. 11 miles south of the city of Asheville, NC.  The watch site
is staffed by volunteer counters on an irregular basis throughout the
fall migration season; most often on weekday afternoons and weekends,
weather permitting.  The site is handicapped friendly, and
gas/food/lodging are available at the Pisgah Inn complex, approx. three
miles south on the Parkway.  Visitors are always welcomed, and new
volunteer watchers are always needed.  Contact Bill Sanderson
(nctigers@bellsouth.net) for more information.  
	The Mount Pisgah Hawk Watch is an unfunded volunteer effort.  
All data obtained are submitted to the Hawk Migration Association of
North America (HMANA).  Other fall hawk watch sites in this region
include the Caesar's Head State Park Hawk Watch in upstate South
Carolina, the Mahogany Rock Hawk Watch on the Blue Ridge Parkway near
Sparta, NC and the Pilot Mountain State Park Hawk Watch in Surry County,

I am the Eagle, I live in high country,
	In rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky.
I am the Hawk, and there's blood on my feathers
	But time is still turning, they soon will be dry.
All those who see me, and all who believe in me, 
	Share in the freedom I feel when I fly!
				John Denver