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Time check: 9 AM Dragonfly walk tomorrow

Howdy folks,

Apparently there's been some confusion. To clear that up: the Wake 
Audubon dragonfly walk tomorrow meets at the Museum of Natural Science in 
Raleigh at ******** 9 AM **********. Lena Gallitano sent a message out to 
Carolinabirds a couple of weeks ago saying it would meet at 8 AM, and I 
repeated this on some e-mails yesterday, but the 9 AM time was given at 
the meeting September 11.

Apologies for the multiple messages, those of you who are on more than 
one of the above lists. And I hope anyone who doesn't check their e-mail 
before bed tonight is really, really patient tomorrow morning...



Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
