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RE: Hummingbird bathing

Rob wrote :
Whilst restocking the deck feeders on this rather chilly morning I noticed
some movement a short distance away on a smallish broad-leaf tree/bush
(sorry - not a botanist). After quickly fetching my binoculars I could
finally see the cause of the disturbance. A RTHB was half-sitting,
half-hovering around the big leaves, apparently using the dew accumulations
as a kind of shallow bath with which to clean itself. I was amazed.

This type of hummer bathing surprised me also a few years ago.  I noticed
that when I was watering the yard, hummers would fly into the spray then
sit on a branch and fluff up.  Now, when I put on the mister, hummers as
well as all many other birds get into the wet leaves and enjoy their
shower.  What fun to watch!
Happy birding!

George & Judy Halleron
Harbor Island, Beaufort Co. SC