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Re: Mason Farm and Few's Ford Questions

>I have two questions:
>1.) I seem to recall that the golf course right by Mason Farm had
>construction of some sort or the other last year, I haven't been in a while.
>How do I get there now? Even if I'm wrong and there was no construction, I'm
>not quite sure if I can remember how to get there anyways, so does anyone
>have good directions to get there?
>2.) I also seem to recall a message regarding construction at the Few's Ford
>section of Eno River, making that wonderful loop impossible. Is this still
>Thanks in advance.
>Roger Shaw

The construction at Eno Fews Ford has not prevented the loop from 
being followed. However, the power line cutting has been cleared and 
the path that was there is now poorly visible. When I went around 
this route in August the path along the river bank leading from the 
power line cutting to the Nature Trail was very overgrown, but will 
be better later in the fall as bushes die back.

Steve Perry

Receptor Biology Lab, Duke Uni Med Center, Durham, NC
