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Wild Birds Unlimited Info (fwd)

Hi C-birders,

Received the below from a WBU fan who is not on Carolinabirds, thought I 
should share it with the list.

Cold front is on the way. Airlie and I are heading up to Massachusetts 
for the weekend, but folks who are staying in town should watch their 
local bodies of water; judging by the Triangle Bird Checklist
it's about time for loons, grebes, gulls, and coots to start appearing on 
inland lakes and rivers. We're reaching the end of the season for inland 
shorebirds, so this front might be our last chance to catch some of those 
at your local sod farm or mud flat. Also might be the last big movement 
of non-Hermit thrushes and non-wintering warblers, as well as bringing in 
plenty of sparrows.

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 09:47:32 -0400
From: Linda Rudd <linda_rudd@ncsu.edu>
To: jsr6@duke.edu
Subject: Wild Birds Unlimited Info

Hello Joshua,

My friend Nolan Newton forwarded this email to me.  I noted that you were
speculating on Wild Birds Unlimited's committment to conservation.
According to their Web site, they do actively support a plethora of
conservation and birding organizations.  The Web site is www.wbu.com and if
you click on "WBU Alliances" you can see the list.


Linda Rudd

Linda E. Rudd
News Writer
Room 6 Page Hall, Box 7901
Engineering Publications
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina  27695
office:  (919) 515-3848
fax:  (919) 515-9417
e-mail:  linda_rudd@ncsu.edu