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Golden Eagle sighting verified

I've gotten several notes on the Golden Eagle sighting this past
Saturday, so I'll pass on this summary.

Six members of the Transylvania Bird Club were birding the Black Balsam
area this past Saturday morning (Oct. 20).  Some time between 10 AM and
12, several members saw what appeared to be a Golden Eagle.  There was
apparently some disagreement within the group as to the identification,
as only some of the group got good looks at the bird.
A couple birding the Devil's Courthouse area identified a Golden Eagle
passing by at about this same time.  The Courthouse and Black Balsam are
on the same ridge system, and are separated by only a few miles, as the
crow (eagle) flies.  :)
With two different groups of experienced birders calling a Golden Eagle
independently, it seems likely that a golden WAS moving through the area
last Saturday morning.
We had a Golden Eagle at the Pisgah Hawk Watch last year on October 27. 
No one was monitoring the watch site this past Saturday, so if this bird
passed by Pisgah (very likely) it did not get counted (rats!!!)

Bill Sanderson
Asheville, NC