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NC avian research

At the recent NC Partners in Flight Steering Committee and state working
group meeting on October 23rd, a discussion was held about NCPIF providing a
list of ongoing bird-related research and monitoring to allow for better
communication among natural resource managers and researchers. I am aware of
what some of you have going on, but it would help if you could send me this
information again so I can have it all in one place in an organized manner.
If I get enough information back, it will be listed on the NCPIF web site so
anyone can access it quickly. Please also forward this request on to others
in NC you know are conducting bird-related research or monitoring. Thanks
for your consideration and assistance.

It would be good to know the following:

Type of research/monitoring or title of the project?

Who is doing the research/monitoring?

Where research/monitoring is being done?

How long has it been going on?

Contact for the project (include person's email if possible)

Mark E. Johns
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program
NC Coordinator, Partners in Flight and Breeding Bird Survey
PO Box 564
Cary, NC  27512
(919) 852-5124