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Mason Farm

I didn't have time to head to the Outer Banks for Wings over Water this
weekend, but I was able to get in a walk around Mason Farm.

The best birds were a pair of Baltimore Orioles, male and female,
feeding on berries just where the path from the parking lot hits the
loop road, and a very late Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  I also saw a male
Purple Finch too complement last weekend's female.

I saw my first Cedar Waxwing of the season there as well.  Other winter
birds seen for the first time today (or at least first time outside of
the mountains) were Dark-eyed Junco, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Field
Sparrow.  Also my second Golden-crowned Kinglet.  I saw the first one
about a month ago and haven't seen any since.

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC