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Sunset Beach, NC, 11/11/01

     Today my fishing partner and I traveled to Sunset Beach for some 
fishing and birding.  On the drive down to the coast, we saw two 
red-tailed hawks in Cumberland County, another red-tailed hawk, 
morning doves, and house sparrows in Bladen County, and a flock of 
seven turkeys also in Bladen.  In Columbus County we saw a northern 
harrier, my first of the season.
     While we were in or near Sunset Beach, we saw the following:
turkey vulture
northern harrier
accipiter sp.
d-c cormorant (many)
anhinga (2)
pied-billed grebe (4)
ring-necked duck
laughing gulls (many)
ring-billed gulls (many)
Forster's tern
great blue heron (several)
tricolored heron (several)
great egret (many)
snowy egret (2)
wood stork (several)
white ibis (many)
black-bellied plover
semipalmated plover (dozen)
willet (several)
greater yellowlegs (several)
western sandpiper (dozen)
kingfisher (several)
boat-tailed grackle (many)
red-winged blackbird (dozen)
starling (many)
yellow-rumped warbler (several)

     We saw some ducks that we couldn't identify with 8X binoculars.


Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu