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Broad-tailed H. seen Friday PM

The Broad-tailed Hummingbird near Gibsonville was seen late this afternoon,
Friday, Nov 16.  The bird was absent until 4 PM and then made 2 additional
visits to the feeder, being last seen by our party shortly after 4:30 PM.

We arrived around 11 AM to discover that Mrs Tickle had not seen the bird
this morning.  We watched unsuccessfully for almost 5 hours and had 
almost given up hope when the day was rescued by the bird's appearance 
at 4 PM.  The balmy temps today may possibly explain his nearly all day
absence.  We are not certain at exactly what time Mrs Tickle actually
began checking on the bird this morning-  it is possible that he may
have fed very early and then vacated the immediate area.

We never heard any of his vocalizations during the part of the day that
he was not seen suggessting that he was not hanging out close by.  Maybe
he will become more regular when cooler temps return?

Wanted to get this update out ASAP for anyone thinking of going this 
weekend.  As a note for others that may visit- we left a small donation
for a "sugar fund" with Mrs. Tickle.  She didn't want to accept it at 
first, but then did so reluctantly.  Others may want to do the same.

Good Birding-

Wade Fuller, John Fussell, Rich & Susan Boyd, Bob Holmes & Larry Crawford
252 633-6930 H
252 638-2811 W