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Western Grebe Yes, Am. White Pelican Yes

Both the Western Grebe and the American White Pelican were seen from the
swimming beach at Rolling View SRA at Falls Lake this morning.

I got to Falls Lake this morning to find Brian Murphy at the swimming
area beach.  He had located the Western Grebe well across the lake
(directly across from the swimming area) and was able to find it for
me.  He left shortly thereafter, and soon sent Rick (Payne, I think?)
and Bruce (?) over to see it.  After an embarrassing incident focusing
on a bobbing piece of white trash that I swear looked like the head of a
bird ;-), we relocated the Western Grebe and got great looks at it for
about 10 minutes.  It was not doing too much diving during that time.

Rick and Bruce then had to leave, which was unfortunate, because about 3
minutes later I located the American White Pelican on a mud flat well
over to the right of where the grebe was, near a raft of gulls.  (This
would have redeemed me from the trash incident, I am sure!)  My timing
was fortunate, as I got to watch the pelican take off, circle around for
a bit, getting quite high up, and fly away over the lake towards
Sandling and Beaver Dam.

I was also lucky enough to get my lifer Common Loon and Horned Grebe
later on in the morning.

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC