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birding closer to home

All these great birds on the coast make me want to go
back, but I cant go every weekend so I contented
myself with a weekend of triangle birding. Three days
of searching for and failing to find the White Pelican
(after leaving 3 minutes before it showed up, as
described by Amalie Tuffin last week) I gave it up
today and went to Butner Gamelands. There were lots of
nice birds out and about including 2 kestrels, a
coopers hawk, a flock of wood ducks, many goldfinches,
a group of 4 brown thrashers (more than I have seen in
the last 6 months) and many sparrows including Fox,
Field, Song, Swamp, White-throated, White-crowned, and
what had been a nemesis bird in NC- a Lincoln's.
Looking at thousands of Song Sparrows finally paid off
because I knew immediately that this was something
different with the smaller bill, fine streaking on the
back, and buffy feathers on the sides of the breast (I
never did get a good look at the front of the bird) I
guess that's a lesson to learn, if you keep looking at
"boring" birds you will know when you see something
Bruce Young
Durham, NC

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