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Re: Ft. Fisher Snowy Owl today?

Yes, three birders from the Piedmont Bird Club (Greensboro) found the owl
about 11:15 today (Sunday). Lynn Moseley, Carolyn Allen and I reached the
ORV road along the beach soon after 8 a.m. We waited for an hour for the
tide to go down enough to get by in a couple places (while watching Seaside
and Sharp-tailed Sparrows in the dunes). We saw no sign of the owl  along
the ORV road where it was seen Saturday so left the 4-wheel drive vehicle at
the Bald Head Island sign and headed south on foot. It was 11:15 when we
spotted the magnificent bird sitting in a dune. Shortly thereafter it flew
to a small dead tree lying on its side in a sand flat about 200 yards wide.
This was approximately a mile and a half to three-quarters from the Bald
Head Island sign. We watched and photographed the bird from a safe distance
for half an hour and left the bird dozing beside the dead tree.

Amazingly, we had the whole beach to ourselves most of the morning. We saw
only one other birder who was just starting the hike from his car when we
were getting back to ours around 12:40. We marveled at the mild weather for
December 2, wearing just T-shirts and jeans.

The trip was well worth it! We are grateful to John Fussell, Bruce Smithson
and others who provided such helpful information which made our journey and
search so successful.

Emily Tyler

----- Original Message -----
From: <wbsmithson@cswebmail.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 8:37 PM
Subject: Ft. Fisher Snowy Owl today?

> Did anyone look for the owl today (Sunday)?  If so please advise success
in finding.  Would-be travelers on Monday are betwixt and between.  Thanks.
> Bruce Smithson
> 318 W. Blackbeard Rd.
> Wilmington, NC  28409
> (910) 799-5083
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