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Dear Carolinabirders,

First let me say that I am glad to be offering a pelagic trip during the
CBC meeting at Nags Head in January. I was a bit disappointed though,
when I received my CBC Newsletter (Volume 47, Number 6) and immediately
noticed several errors in it regarding the pelagic trip.  I was also
surprised that there was almost no mention of it on the front page this
time. There was no listing of birds that might be seen offshore anywhere
in this issue of the newsletter and the statement on the front page,
"Although a pelagic trip is being offered, remember that the above
species are seen on shore" is somewhat inaccurate. We have often seen
Glaucous and Iceland Gulls on our winter trips, and even a California
Gull on one occasion.

Basically, the only mention of the trip is on page four, and this field
trip description badly needs revision. For one there is no mention of
the Sunday weather date for the trip. The Miss Hatteras does not depart
at 0630, but rather the meeting time for the trip is 0630 and departure
time is 0700, a bit later than usual, in order to help folks make the 60
mile drive to Hatteras from Nags Head, which at that time of day should
take no more than a 75 or 80 minutes, not 1 ¾ hours as the newsletter
suggests. The trip price is only $90/person for CBC members, regardless
of date of registration. As of December 1 the trip became open to the
general public at $100/person, which is our regular price for winter
trips, up $5 from last year.

In years past, these winter trips from Hatteras have been very
productive.  We routinely see Great Skua, Razorbill, Northern Fulmar,
and Black-legged Kittiwake. Northern Gannets will be "in your face"
close. Manx Shearwater, Red Phalarope, and Dovekie are also reasonable
target species, which have been seen on some trips this time of year.
We’ve seen Atlantic Puffin on a couple of trips here now, although they
might be more likely on trips later in the winter. Early February trips
here have also found some great rarities- Yellow-nosed Albatross in 2000
and Common Murre in 2001, so we can always hope for a repeat appearance
of one of those or something else (maybe Thick-billed Murre?). In the
not strictly pelagic department, there should be a great show of loons,
cormorants, sea ducks, and gulls around Cape Hatteras. Little Gull is a
good possibility if the Bonaparte’s are around.

We also have other trips from Hatteras planned this winter, with two
scheduled for President’s Day weekend. This is when we saw 24 puffins
here last year! The first trip is on Saturday, February 16 with a
weather date for Sunday, and the second will run on either Sunday or
Monday depending on the results of the Feb. 16(17) trip; that is, if the
first trip is weathered out on Saturday, it will run on Sunday if
possible, and the second trip will go on Monday. If the weather is fit
to go on both Saturday and Sunday, the second trip will go on Sunday.
I’m hoping that this will give us a better chance to get out on at least
one pretty day, as the weather invariably seems to be prettier on the
weekdays during the winter. We also have a trip scheduled for March
9(10), which is still a good time for skuas, fulmars, and hopefully this
year puffins! Anyhow that one should be warmer and there will be more
daylight then. More information about these and other trips can be found
on our website- http://www.patteson.com/. I can also be reached by phone
at (252) 986-1363. I hope to see many of you  on a pelagic trip this

Brian Patteson
Hatteras, NC