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white-winged crossbills elusive

A group of seven or so of us crossbill seekers staked out the Grandfather
Mtn. visitor center from 9am to 2pm and failed to have a satisfying
encounter with the rogue flock of white-winged crossbills.  Roughly around
noon the flock did make a fly by appearance and was identified mainly by
ear, but they did not land anywhere near the center and did not return while
I was present.  A few birders continued the vigil beyond my departure within
unknown results.

    The last good look at them seems to have been about 12:15pm yesterday.
Curtis Smalling arrived 5 mins too late for that viewing and waited in vain
for a couple of hours.
    Hundreds of pine siskins were present, a large flock of turkeys was
seen, the weather pleasant, and the park entry fee only $1 for locals w/
identification.  The mountain is large and the crossbills are few.  Good
luck, should you try!
Walton Conway
The Golden Cockerel, Boone, NC
(828) 297-4653; 1-800-892-5409