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Ash-throated and Rough-leggeds Saturday


Just after 8:30am this morning (12-22), a bunch of us (Derb, Eric, 
Taylor, Sharon, Rich, Susan, Gene, Wade, and I'm sure I'm 
forgetting a few (sorry!)) relocated the Ash-throated Flycatcher at the 
woods patch at Long Curve and Link Rds in the Alligator River NWR.  The 
bird was eventually very cooperative, perching and hunting bugs in the 
vegetation right at the edge of the woods along Long Curve Rd.  (We even 
noted the dark bar at the tip of the underside of the tail to 
rule out Nutting's . . .).

Later, Derb Carter spotted and he and I watched at length TWO 
Rough-legged Hawks interacting together over the fields about a mile 
further down Long Curve Rd (near where the fields end and woods begin 
again).  Both Rough-leggeds were light phase birds with dark belly 
bands.  We also noted an adult Bald Eagle and scores of harriers.

Unfortunately, however, despite searching the Fort Raleigh area for an 
hour in the late morning and a half-hour again after lunch, we did not 
find the Western Kingbirds.  Where are these birds hiding when Jeff L. and 
Harry are not seeing them?

Happy Holidays!

Jeff Pippen   	 				 jspippen@duke.edu
Biology Dept. Box 90338				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278