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in-the-hand Thrush identification

Any bird banders out there with experience separating Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's

I picked up a fresh window-killed Catharus thrush today in Columbia, SC
(Richland Co.) which is consistent with male Gray-cheeked Thrush according to
my 1987 edition of Identification Guide to N. American Passerines, Pyle,
Howell, et al.  Wing chord 109 mm, P6 slightly emarginated, total length of
bird about 175 mm (unstretched).
The upperparts coloration is uniformly olive brown, with no apparent contrast
between tail and rump or back.  A slight buff wash on the breast does not
extend to the face at all.  Olive brown coloration extends from the sides of
the breast down the flanks to the sides of the undertail coverts.  

Any comments or referrals to relevant info online would be appreciated.

Tim Kalbach
West Columbia, SC